Welcome to World Languages! In our department, we strive to foster proficiency in languages other than English in order to help students communicate and connect successfully with other cultures, both in their own community and abroad. Language courses also prepare students to attend competitive colleges and universities.
We are pleased to offer French, German, and Spanish from the beginning level through the Advanced Placement (AP) level. In each of the three languages, courses are a semester long. Students who enter high school with French I or Spanish I completed in middle school can take the second level of the same language as freshmen and advance to the third level as sophomores.
After level IV in French or Spanish, students may choose to take the AP path, which culminates with the AP test in May, or they may take advanced level courses that provide extra exposure to the cultures being studied, with more practice developing their language ability.
our teachers
Ashlan Kemp
Spanish Teacher
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Christine Morrow
AP Spanish Teacher
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Holly Safir
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Lauren Stewart
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Yadira Thomas
Department Chair/Spanish
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Tracy Weir
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Meredith Witzel
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